<img src="http://madamenoire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/shutterstock_509091808.jpg" alt="" width="1068" height="600" class="size-full wp-image-728467 aligncenter" />
I have news for you; even the most docile, sweet and patient friend in your group (the one who never fights with her boyfriend in public) gets <em>mad </em>sometimes. The reason she seems calmer and cooler than the rest of you though, and the reason she has less relationship fights to vent about is because she asks herself a series of questions before flying into a rage. I know it’s hard to not just tell your partner how it is when he makes your blood boil. And since we’re taught so steadfastly to communicate and talk about our feelings, why can’t we do that when our feeling is "I’m Mad", right<em>? </em>Well, because anger clouds our judgment in a way few other emotions do. So before you get mad at him, ask yourself these questions.